Beer Academy launches online Beer Steward qualification

The Beer Academy has launched the Beer Steward qualification, an entry-level online course which enables bar staff to gain a sound understanding of the basics of beer, from brewing to serving customers.

The Beer Steward is the first online qualification from the leading global beer education body, and has been developed to meet the growing need for operators to equip front-of-house staff with practical beer knowledge early in their careers. It also further develops the structured training approach by providing an introduction to beer which dovetails with the Beer Academy Foundation course.

The Beer Steward course is made up of eight e-learning modules which candidates can work through at their own pace and at times to suit them. The modules take candidates on a journey from the origins of beer via the brewing process and beer styles, through to how to serve beer and engage with customers. It includes guidance on serving cask, keg and bottled beers, covering the full range of operators’ beer offer.

Each module is tested with a set of multiple choice questions, and candidates are emailed a printable certificate once they have passed all eight.  Pubs, bars, restaurants and others wanting to train their staff pay a £35 fee which entitles up to 10 members of staff to take the course. Alex Barlow, Beer Academy director of training, said, “Consumer interest in beer has never been stronger, which means that not only are pubs and bars stocking a more diverse range of beer styles and formats, but also that bar staff are increasingly ‘in at the deep end’, serving customers who already know a lot about beer..

“It was clear from our conversations with operators that they needed a way to get staff up to speed quickly, and e-learning is the solution. While anyone is welcome to take the Beer Steward qualification, it has been developed particularly with bar staff in mind, enabling operators to equip staff with beer knowledge and confidence quickly and conveniently.

“The course also provides a first rung on our ladder of qualifications, enabling staff who develop an interest to move on to our Foundation course and beyond. We look forward to the day when we celebrate our first Beer Steward going all the way to achieve our globally-respected Beer Sommelier qualification.”

For more information and to book courses go to

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