The Most Social Media-Friendly Restaurants around the World

It has been revealed that a total of four in ten Brits now turn to social media when deciding which restaurant to go and visit. 

In response to this, Solopress has conducted a comprehensive study to identify the most social media-friendly restaurants around the world, looking at the number of TikTok and Instagram posts associated with the restaurant’s hashtag.


The top ten most social media-friendly restaurants in the world

Rank Restaurant


City Number of TikTok Posts Number of Instagram Posts Total number of social media posts
1 Sketch London, England 1,745 93,849 95,594
2 The Grotto Krabi, Thailand 2,726 78,307 81,033
3 Le Meurice Paris, France 803 50,431 51,234
4 Pink Mamma Paris, France 1,459 29,177 30,636
5 Bar Luce Milan, Italy 181 29,430 29,611
6 Man Wah Hong Kong 8,377 18,958 27,335
7 Le Train Bleu Paris, France 1,000 21,480 22,480
8 White Rabbit Moscow, Russia 38 19,374 19,412
9 Le Coucou New York 208 15,824 16,032
10 Porfirio’s Cancún, Mexico 778 11,446 12,224

England’s Sketch London ranks as the most social media-friendly restaurant in the world with a total of 95,594 social media posts. A huge 93,849 of these total social media posts come from Instagram – the highest of all restaurants in the top 10 list. 

Thailand’s The Grotto in Krabi is the second most social media-friendly restaurant in the world with 81,033 total posts. Tourism from those travelling to South East Asia makes The Grotto a popular destination, helped by its fame online.

France ranks as the country with the most social media-friendly restaurants with three establishments in the top ten. 

Le Meurice, Pink Mama and Le Train Bleu, all belonging to France’s capital Paris, rank third, fourth and seventh in the list. They boast a combined total of social media posts of 104,350.

Other cities with restaurants making up the top 10 list include Milan, Italy, Moscow, Russia, and Cancun, Mexico, all with a significant share of social media posts for the associated restaurant hashtags. 


Methodology & sources

The following seedlists were combined to create one overall seedlist. 

Citizen Femme

En Vols



The Travel


The relevant hashtag (either the restaurant name if “unique”, or add city to restaurant name, or find the restaurant’s own social page to see what hashtag they use) was searched on both TikTok and Instagram – the total number of posts was collected. The number of posts on both platforms were combined to get an overall social media posts total.

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