Could TV & Film viewing save the Hospitality sector?

New research from MPLC found that showing TV & Film has significantly increased sales (87%) and driven increased footfall (82%)


Britain has lost 4,953 hospitality venues in only 12 months, from March 2022 to March 2023, and that mainstay of British hospitality, the Pub, is also facing unprecedented challenges, with an average of two closing their doors every day. With rising costs and consumers having their pockets pinched, the hospitality industry is being hit hard.

But a new study from the Motion Picture Licensing Company, the world-leader in public audio-visual licensing, suggests that introducing film and TV into hospitality establishments helps them hit business goals and prevent closures. In fact, TV and film can improve the two most essential goals in the hospitality industry: sales and footfall. Of the businesses surveyed, 87% say TV and film has increased sales, and 82% say it has improved footfall. Moreover, 93% of businesses are certain they have seen increases to guest satisfaction since introducing film and TV.

Responses from customers echo these conclusions. Three quarters of customers who watch film or TV in public report that doing so has a positive impact on their overall experience (75%). Considering that 63% of hospitality venues see providing excellent customer service as their key priority, it is clear that providing TV and film entertainment is a key component of good customer service. Interestingly, 70% of customers have specifically chosen to attend a venue because it displayed film or TV.

Ensuring that this content is displayed compliantly is another key component of good customer service, as MPLC’s research found that this element was also of great importance to consumers. The research found that nearly one-third (32%) of customers surveyed would leave an establishment if it were illegally displaying content, whilst a further two-thirds (66%) of customers stated it is important to them that any content they consume in public venues is licensed.

The results also showed that fewer than 50% of businesses have the correct licences despite over 90% believing they run compliantly. These findings highlight the urgent need for greater education to ensure businesses understand licensing requirements correctly and the value of compliance in achieving key sales and footfall goals.


Rory Shedden, CEO of MPLC, commented: 

“The hospitality industry, including the Great British pub, has not only been a crucial element of our economy but holds a significant position within our culture on a national and global scale. Whilst the large number of recent closures in the hospitality industry is primarily the result of uncontrollable events this does not mean that hospitality venues cannot take control of their own destiny. As consumers seek better experiences from the industry, our research shows that introducing TV and film makes your venue stand out. The footfall and customer experience it provides leads to a greater number of sales – and every sale truly does count in the current economic climate. 

Our research also shows that consumers place significant value on legal compliance when viewing TV and film in public venues. Ensuring your venue is compliant can also enhance customer experience and maintain your customer base. As a supporter of the hospitality industry, both personally and as a business, we want to provide these venues with all of the tools possible to ensure they thrive even in these tough times.”


About the research

The research was conducted by third-party providers. The consumer research reached 1502 respondents and the businesses research reached 300 respondents with both surveys being evenly split between the US and the UK.


About MPLC


MPLC has been the representative of Hollywood studios like Disney, Universal, Paramount, Pixar, Marvel Studios and Dreamworks for over 35 years. These studios, and many more, have trusted MPLC to be their partner to collect blanket licence revenue from non-theatrical venues – that’s the industry term for venues that show movies and TV but are not traditional cinemas. MPLC is now the largest non-theatrical TV and movie licensing company in the world.

MPLC was founded in 1985 by a former vice-president of Paramount Pictures and MGM. The company is now led by CEO Rory Shedden who joined the company in September 2020.

MPLC now has offices in 28 countries with headquarters split between the UK and USA. MPLC’s UK home is in Eastbourne Sussex, and in the USA MPLC is based, as you might expect, in Los Angeles next to many of the studios that MPLC represents.