London’s Studio 338 Launches Eco-Conscious Clubbing Initiative ‘Tree Tree 8’

Studio 338’s Dan Perrin calls for nightlife industry to get onboard, and government to give more support

“Lets keep the party going!”

One of London’s largest clubs, the 3,000 capacity Studio 338, has announced it will be implementing an array of different measures that aim to vastly reduce its environmental impact, including donating profits and encouraging artists to donate a percentage of their fees to the conservation charity Rainforest Trust UK (full list of actions below).

The south east London venue will also be commissioning a huge ‘Tree of Life’ installation in the garden using reclaimed materials. Partygoers can then donate towards the tree which helps to place existing areas of rainforest under permanent protection via Rainforest Trust UK.

On top of this, Music and Events Director Dan Perrin says they also have a plan to remove all single-use plastics, non-biodegradable and environmentally harmful materials from the group’s venues where possible and are consulting with environmental specialists to improve their overall footprint.

Dan says:

We are creating a movement aimed at leading the way for sustainable clubbing, kicking off in Studio 338 with a view to starting a wave of change reaching far beyond London. We’re in the midst of a climate emergency. We all need to offset the detrimental effect of events and parties and our activities on the environment.”

‘The electronic music community has the potential to make a real impact if we can work together to change our behaviours and reduce our ecological footprints that are destroying the planet.’

Dan admitted: ‘Running events takes a lot of energy. From DJs and artist flights, to ground transport to lights and sound. We are conscious that we are leading the next generation in event standards and we feel it would be a good example to the rest of the events industry if we stop to take action to change our impact on the environment.’

‘It’s actually incredibly difficult for businesses to make that switch to greener energy as its not widely available outside of domestic supply. The government could be doing a lot more to make it more accessible and incentivise its use for businesses.’ 

Studio 338 pledges by their opening event of 2020 to:

♻️ Ban all single use plastics from the venue.

♻️ Switch as much of their energy as is currently possible to renewable sources.

♻️ Ban all environmentally damaging cleaning and chemical products from the venue wherever it is currently possible.

♻️ Ban products containing palm oil from the venue.

♻️ From February they will section off 1% of all profits from their venue for their #treetree8 fund. This money will go to the Rainforest Trust UK.

♻️They will also be asking their partner brands, DJs and promoters to donate 1% of their fees to the fund as well.

♻️They will also be building a ‘tree of life’ in their Garden area where patrons can donate any small change they might have towards the fund.

♻️They will send out a monthly newsletter on our efforts and progress which will also contain advice for how partygoers can make change in their own lives to help the planet recover.

♻️Rainforest Trust UK is a British conservation charity working in partnership with Rainforest Trust in the U.S. to protect threatened rainforests and other tropical ecosystems. In the wake of the devastating fires in the Amazon rainforest and other parts of the world, it is now even more vital to provide long-term protection for the planet’s remaining rainforests, as they play a vital role in the fight against climate change and are home to 50% of the world’s species.