Explore Further with a Gravel Bike Holiday

A cycling holiday provides an opportunity for excitement, adventure, and exercise, too. It’s a way to keep fit while also enjoying yourself. If you’re looking for a high-octane form of cycling, then you might prefer an off-road adventure, on a particular sort of bike.

Gravel-bike holidays appeal to those looking to spend time outdoors, but who don’t want to compete with road traffic.


The Gravel Gateway

Gravel bikes are built to cope with a range of surfaces. As such, they’re also called ‘all road’ bikes. They offer the dropped handlebars of a road bike, but the tyre clearances are more forgiving, and the frame is more stable when you aren’t riding on a road. Gravel bike trails tend to be more scenic. Not only are there fewer cars around, but it’s easier to thread a gravel trail through a remote wilderness than it is a tarmac road.

Choosing Your Perfect Gravel Partner

To get the most from this kind of holiday, of course, you’ll need a bike that’s suited to your needs, your level of experience, and your ability. Look for suspension, lightweight carbon frames and disc brakes. You’ll find a range of options from online gravel bike retailers.

Planning Your Itinerary

Having secured a vehicle, you’ll be able to plan your cycling holiday. This should start with the destination, which will largely be determined by your budget. You don’t have to travel far for a great cycling holiday: mainland Europe is packed with amazing trails, and on the eastern flank of the continent, the journey is much more affordable.

You’ll need to research the trails you’re considering, and think about whether they’re appropriate for your level of experience. If things are too tricky, then you might end up stressed out (or possibly injured). If things are too easy, then your holiday might not be quite as invigorating as it might be.

You can look to cycle in a group, with guided support. That way, if you run into trouble, you’ll have someone to turn to. Experienced cyclists might look for a little bit more freedom, by heading out on their own.

Finally, it’s worth thinking about where you’ll be sleeping. Your accommodation might be anything from a small tent to a series of hotel rooms. Just think about where you’ll be stashing the bike, especially if it’s expensive.


Gravel bike holidays provide a unique opportunity for of excitement. If you plan your own adventure, then you’ll be able to shape your holiday to your particular tastes, and ultimately enjoy yourself that little bit more. Get it right and you’ll be able to enjoy a week’s activity, comprising plenty of exertion and spectacular scenery, without spending too much money. Once you’ve invested in the bike, your holiday will tend to be pretty affordable!