New report from Délifrance reveals key UK bakery trends for 2019 and beyond

Prove It: The Great British Bakery Report, a new report from Délifrance, has revealed that artisanal experiences, health and wellness, new diets such as veganism, and demand for a larger variety of flavours are shaping consumer demands for the UK bakery market.

To understand what consumers really want in out-of-home bakery products, the report drilled down into the key categories of bread, viennoiserie, pâtisserie and savoury. Research revealed nearly a quarter (23%) of the nation is eating more bakery products than before, thanks to increased variety and quality. These discerning consumers are in search for new flavours and experiences across the categories, with provenance and authenticity telling a story about the products they buy. Health and wellness trends are also front-of-mind for the conscious consumer, demanding nutritious alternatives to suit changing dietary needs.

Stéphanie Brillouet, marketing director for Northern Europe & North America, Délifrance, said: “The UK bakery market is currently worth £11.5bn, predicted to grow 1.3% by 2022 1, presenting a significant opportunity to smart operators.”

“Our new insight has defined general consumer trends as well as the unique behaviours and demands of different demographics. We’ve also listened to what’s dominating online conversations and revealed the factors that would make consumers buy more bakery products. This is excellent information for operators to capitalise on – to maximise their offer and target their key customer groups most effectively.”

 Other key findings include:

  • 40% of consumers are eating bread products every day, and a further 44% are eating them a few times a week
  • Freshness is one of the biggest priorities for consumers buying bread and viennoiserie
  • 29% of consumers would buy more pâtisserie products if there was a wider range of flavours, and 43% would buy more if there was a wider choice of healthy options
  • 17% would buy more savoury products if there were more vegan options
  • Lunchtime is a prime opportunity for savoury products – 50% of people who eat savoury pastries eat them for lunch

The report’s findings are drawn from a UK-wide consumer survey of 1,000 adults, social listening tool Delve Insights, Délifrance market estimations and insight, external market data, and opinion from bakery operators and the Food and Beverage Manager’s Association (FBMA).

The report was launched last week at a bakery food tour in Manchester and is available upon request from [email protected]