CLEAN extends its green credentials further with plastic reduction

Leading hospitality laundry provider CLEAN is now saving the equivalent weight of two double-decker buses of plastic per year, after reducing its use of shrink film across its seven laundries.

The award-winning sustainable-focused company has reduced the thickness of the essential film from 13 microns to 12. CLEAN uses the shrink film to protect the integrity of its high-quality linen products and save them from dust, moisture, and other external elements during delivery and onsite storage. This process guarantees the linen arrives to its customers in its intended high quality and is kept in that condition.

Initially trialed at its Banbury laundry earlier this year, the shift to using a lower weight plastic film has now been rolled out across all of CLEAN’s sites, which deliver five million linen items to its customers each week.

Already acclaimed for it sustainable ethos and initiatives, this isn’t the first move the company has made in cutting back its use of plastic. CLEAN has already reduced the weight of film used on its products by 40% since 2000.

It is now set to continue improving its service to be even more eco-friendly by putting new technology in place to cut electricity, gas and water consumption at each site. It is also committed to further reducing its plastic use to 8 microns, as soon as the technology becomes available.

Glenn Willis, Head of Procurement at CLEAN, said: “CLEAN is the first laundry company in the UK to standardize to a 12 micron shrink film for all customers, but we will continue to push the boundaries and make further reductions as soon as it is available. As we continue to proactively minimize the volume of our waste that is sent to landfill, we are proud to be shipping 25-tonnes less plastic per year and hope to reduce this further in the future. It’s vital that we continue to improve our sustainable efforts and make positive changes where we can, as well as save CLEAN and our customers money.”

To find out more about CLEAN, please visit or follow their updates on Twitter @cleanlinenltd.