Soon to celebrate its centenary, leading UK and international seasonings supplier Unbar Rothon is planning a major campaign to expand its overseas business whilst consolidating its position as the leading UK supplier of high quality ingredients. The Essex company has been pre-eminent in the UK market since it was named as a supplier of ready mixed seasonings for sauces by Arthur Lock in his seminal work on the subject which was first published in 1949.

With established sales in Europe, North America, the Middle East, Africa and the Antipodes, Unbar Rothon is poised to open new markets in South America, offering both exclusive new flavourings and me-too ingredients which improve on those currently available on the market.

A key element of the company’s service is its ability to provide ready mixed seasonings to unique recipes agreed with clients which deliver memorable flavour profiles combined with a colourful appearance and the Unbar Rothon guarantee of high quality, product safety, legality and consistency, despite the use of inevitably variable natural ingredients.

“We plan to further enhance the UK’s reputation as the world leader in the supplier of consistently reliable top quality seasonings.” Said Unbar Rothon director Richard Rothon.